Reintroducing Native Fish to Sligo

History of the Project

Montgomery County Watersheds program has worked for more than ten years to improve Sligo's habitat, restore stream banks, and manage stormwater better. At the start, all but two of the Creek's 20 native fish species were gone. With downstream blockages preventing fish from swimming back into Sligo, the only way for the restored areas of Sligo to be re-colonized has been to catch and relocate fish.

Today, 11 species are maintaining successful populations because their habitat and water quality needs are being met. Now, Keith Van Ness and his staff believe that things have improved to the point that even species that are a bit more sensitive to pollution can make it. Like the canary in the mine shaft, the newcomers success will be an indicator that the quality of Sligo has improved.

Additional photos

Children examine the fish before their release.

Children watch fish being released.

Closeup of fish in bucket.

Transferring fish from the truck.

Other organisms came along for the ride.


crayfish with eggs

crane fly larva