Takoma Park Rain Gardens

Second Forest Park Rain Garden

Ed Murtagh
May 25, 2005
First Forest Park Rain Garden

We now have a second rain garden at Forest Park. This year the South of Sligo Civic Association (SOSCA) formally joined our partnership with the City of Takoma Park to add environmentally beneficial landscaping to the park. Many of the neighbors had helped with the first rain garden and it was great to see them again. The second rain garden was funded through a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust. A local builder, Landis Construction, provided some volunteers to prepare the site a day before the planting workday.

On May 13, 2006 we held our first workday of the season. Despite the draught in March, the first rain garden looked great. We did some minor maintenance and planting at the first rain garden, and we planted and mulched the new rain garden. Neighbors, Girl Scouts and Brownies pitched in to help. The educational sign donated by Montgomery County DEP was also installed.

Robert Goo and FoSC president Bruce Sidwell at work day

Girl Scout volunteers helping on the planting day

Ann Hoffnar in front of the new educational signage donated by DEP

We are happy to have all the neighborhood enthusiasm and help. A mothers group who uses the park regularly has been weeding and will continue to do so. A high school freshman who lives across the street from the rain garden volunteered to organize a watering crew. She will see that the garden gets the water it needs while the plant's root systems are establishing themselves.

Boys helping spread mulch

Girl Scouts learning about the finer points of gardening from Ann Hoffnar

The rain garden at the end of the day