November 2005 Site Observations

Ed Murtagh
November 2005
Original Posting
November 2003
Forest Glen Update
November 24, 2004
Headwaters Update
March 2006
Tree Planting Event
with COG
Reforestation Update
March 2007
Tree Inventory Sheet Forest Glen Update
May 2007

In 2005, FoSC was involved in efforts to increase the riparian forest buffer along Sligo Creek near Forest Glen Road. Increasing the amount of riparian forest buffer is critical to our efforts to increase Sligo Creek's water quality. On Oct 29, 2005 Friends of Sligo Creek joined M-NCPPC and COG in a Tree Planting Work Day along the constructed wetlands near Forest Glen Road. Earlier in the year, much of the area was choked with invasive plants. Before the workday, Parks employees came through and sprayed with herbicides and bush hogged the area. On the workday, thirty volunteers planted 250 trees and shrubs.

Peter Guillozet (from Oregon) and John Galli
Peter and John helped establish FoSC.

Lea Bonfiglio
Carla Thompson and her boys

The re-forestation site near University Blvd appears to be doing fair. The M-NCPPC staff have made improvements in addressing invasive plants at the site, but M-NCPPC has not yet addressed the over population of deer in the park. Several of the protective cages that were originally installed around the new trees were removed and most of these unprotected trees were damaged by the deer. The site is in need of maintenance work. At least 10% of the trees and shrubs have been lost at this site after three years.

Deer Damaged Tree

A potential re-forestation site along the headwaters of Sligo Creek is being considered for 2006. A stretch of Sligo parkland between Sligo Creek and the homes along Ladd Street is currently being mowed by the adjacent homeowners. As a result of the mowing, the forest regeneration has been stopped. The riparian buffer along this stretch of creek is only about 10 feet. FoSC volunteers are currently tackling the invasive vines in the narrow riparian buffer. According to Geoff Mason ( Natural Resource Division of M-NCPPC), the Parks staff are first determining if the site can be maintained before committing to a new re-forestation effort. We hope to know soon if M-NCPPC will proceed with a tree planting.