WSSC Repairs along Takoma Branch
Update March 4, 2005

Steven Shofar of Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission explained the WSSC operations along Takoma Branch during a walk along the creek on Friday, March 4, 2005.

WSSC crews are lining the sewer lines shown in magenta with rigid plastic liners. Sewer water is pumped above ground from one manhole to another so that the line will be empty for the insertion of the liner. After one section of line is completed, the crews move on to the next section. All sections had been lined by March 4, 2005.

The white plastic lining shows brightly in this small 8 inch sewer pipe. The plastic liner is initially flexible and is inserted in the empty pipe using high pressure water. Then the liner is "cooked"; very hot water runs into the liner causing it to swell outwards against the old pipe and to harden.

An inspection TV camera is inserted into the newly lined pipe. Note the tank-type treads along the sides to crawl the camera through the pipe.

At point A in the map above the sewer line crosses the creek. WSSC crews have laid rip-rap along the cement housing of the sewer line to ensure its stability. Additional rip-rap was laid along both banks to stabilize them.

This 18 inch sewer line has been lined and placed back into service.

This manhole at point B in the above map marks the end of the project. The rocks in the foreground will be laid around the manhole to divert the creek and stabilize the manhole.