Stream Corridor Assessment of Sligo
performed by Anacostia Watershed Society

In March and April 2004, Masaya Maeda of the Anacostia Watershed Society performed a Stream Corridor Assessment (SCA) survey of Sligo Creek, looking for eroded stream banks, exposed sewer pipes, fish barriers, and other physical problems. His survey was based on the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Stream Corridor Assessment protocol.     Directions for map use

About the SCA survey

The Stream Corridor Assessment (SCA) survey was developed by Maryland DNR's Watershed Restoration Division as a tool to help environmental managers identify environmental problems and prioritize restoration opportunities on a watershed basis. As part of the survey, trained personnel walk the watershed's entire stream network and record information on a variety of environmental problems that can be easily observed within the stream corridor. Common environmental problems documented in the survey include: eroding stream banks, inadequate stream buffers, exposed pipes, altered stream channels, fish migration barriers, pipe outfalls, in-stream construction sites and trash dumping locations

This survey is a screening survey and not all identified sites are problems. Some of them may become problems in the future. Others may be documented only as a record. For example most pipe outfalls are not problem but those are documented as a record. Those data may be useful in the future for illicit discharge detection.

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