Low Nesting Birds of Sligo

Mean (range) (in ft)
Mallard 0 usually near water, also on hollow logs, abandoned nests, base of tree
Killdeer 0 slight depression on ground, in the open
White-eyed Vireo 3 (1-6) bushes or young trees
Carolina Wren 5 (0-30) undergrowth near water, fallen treetops, brushy hedges; also nest boxes, old hornet nests, mailboxes, hats, even pockets of clothing left outside
Veery 2 (0-11) a tangle of vines, roots, or fallen branches
Wood Thrush 5-8 (3-42) usually in a sapling or shrub, or in fork or horzontal limb
Northern Mockingbird 3.3-6.6 (5"-49') low in evergreens early, then higher in deciduous trees by summer
Brown Thrasher 4 (0-25) dense shrubbery, berry thickets, hedgerows, & undergrowth along forest edges
Common Yellowthroat 0.6 (0-3) shrubby thickets, marshes, brushy hillsides, wet meadows, hedgerows, overgrown fields; prefers wet areas
Ovenbird 0 (0-5") well-drained, flat terrain with deciduous understory in forest of tall evergreen or deciduous trees
Kentucky Warbler 0 (0-1') under ferns, in a dense tangle, or at the base of a tree or shrub
Eastern Towhee 1 (0-9) dense brushy cover, a small depression on the ground, overhung by vegetation
Field Sparrow 1.3 (0-10) weedy fields with scattered shrubs or small trees, in weedy (unmowed) orchards, or along bushy borders of farm fields
Song Sparrow 2.8 (0-10) bushy & edge habitats, edges of woodlands & marshes, hedgerows, residential areas; shrubby stream-bordered fields

Data on nest heights & sites compiled by Michael Wilpers from Chandler Robbins & Eirik Blom,,
Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1996.
(Some information also from Ehrich, Dobkin, & Wheye,
The Birder's Handbook: A Field Guide to the Natural History of North American Birds, Simon & Schuster, 1988).
List of breeding birds of Sligo taken from presentation to FOSC by Gail Mackerinan.