FoSC Board Members

Mike Smith

Wes Darden
Vice President

Dee Clarkin
The founding Board of Directors signs Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, January 2002. Left to right: Laura Mol, Jim Baird, Sally Gagne, Gary King,
Jill Mullins, Ann Hoffnar, Bill Erwin.

Link to Bylaws
Link to Articles of Incorporation
Link to 2011 Financial Report
Link to 2009 Financial Report
Link to 2005 Financial Report
Link to 2004 Financial Report
Link to 2003 Financial Report

Past President, Sally Gagné, receives Montgomery County award
for Friends of Sligo Creek service.

Beginnings of Friends of Sligo Creek
by Sally Gagné

Friends of Sligo Creek Leadership History
with milestones

Minutes of Friends of Sligo Creek
Board Meetings

Sarah Marcus

Kit Gage

Delia Aguilar

Melinda Villanueva

Greg Odegaarden

Julien Katchinoff

Paul Chrostowski