Friends of Sligo Creek Leadership History with milestones


January 18, 2001, was the very first meeting, held at Long Branch Community Center, with CoG staffing and a printed agenda. We had an active first year with 8 indoor and 4 outdoor events/programs.

We formed an Interim Steering Committee: Sally Gagné, Laura Mol, Ann Hoffnar, Byrne Kelly, Jill Mullins and Bill Irwin. Our name, Friends of Sligo Creek was a given. There had been at least 1 incarnation of a group of this type. At our first meeting, we planned goals, reviewed a draft mission statement and planned some upcoming events. This year we agreed on and submitted by-laws and articles of incorporation.


By January of this year, the Interim Steering Committee had come to be called the Advisory Committee: Jim Baird, Bill Irwin, Sally Gagné, Ann Hoffnar, Gary King, Laura Mol and Jill Mullins. Sally agreed to be Chair; Jim, Vice Chair; Laura, Secretary; and Jill, Treasurer. We were incorporated Jan 2, 2002. The Advisory Committee, now called the Board, held its first meeting January 11. Our first Sweep the Creek was held in September.


This year Clair Garman joined the Board and also became our Webmaster. He had begun to organize our web site, which has done nothing but get better since. This is also the year that we developed our first database, with Lenore Boulet as manager. Gary King and Bill Irwin resigned from the Board. The Board was then Jim Baird, Sally Gagné, Ann Hoffnar, Laura Mol, Jill Mullins and Clair Garman.


Bruce Sidwell joined the Board in January of this year. The Board then became Sally, Jim, Laura, Jill, Ann, Bruce and Clair. It was in February, 2004 that we launched our listserv. Also in February, Ann and Jim agreed to be co-presidents (no vice president) Jill and Laura remained at their posts. Clair retained his membership on the Board but was absent from Board meetings by arrangement.


Matt Logan joined the Board briefly (May through October). Brent Bolin joined the Board.


Bruce became President. The Board had no Vice President. Laura and Jill retained their posts.


David Novello and Chris Victoria joined the Board. Jim Baird retired--the first original member to leave.


Many changes this year. Jim Anderson, Sarah Jane Marcus and Michael Wilpers joined the Board. David Novello, Brent, and three more original members, Sally, Laura and Jill retired. The Board was then: Ann, Sarah Jane, Michael, Jim Anderson, Chris, Bruce and Clair.


Suzan Klein joined as Treasurer. MaryLee Haughwort joined. Ann retired.


Bruce retired as President but stayed on the Board. Michael Wilpers became President, with Sarah Jane as Vice President. Wendy Bell joined the Board. A much stronger database came on line and Lenore retired as manager. Rich Brundage took over.


Another change in the database this year. The one we first tried did not fit our needs well. This year we contracted for a new one, which will be in place in 2012. MaryLee Haughwout stepped down in November.


Patton Stephens joined the Board. Vanessa Andrews joined as our new Treasurer, while Suzan Klein stayed on the Board with a focus on stormwater.


We had two resignations this year. Patton Stephens found it necessary to leave because she of work outside of FOSC. She continues to chair the Litter Committee and run the sweeps. Suzan Klein relocated to be with an ailing mother. Toward the end of the year, three new people joined the board: Terry Anderson, Mike Smith and Corinne Lackner Stephens. In addition to joining the Board Corinne took over as Chair of the Water Quality Committee.


This year, Michael resigned as President and left the Board. In April, Kit Gage was elected President of the Board by the Roundtable. (The Roundtable consists of board members, committee chairs, section leaders and a few people who do substantial work but do not fit these categories.) Sarah Jane continued as Vice President and also became Coordinator of Outreach, as we reconfigured our outreach group. Wendy retired. In addition to being President, Kit replaced Wendy as Board liaison to the Stormwater Committee. Vanessa announced her departure and the Board began a search for a new treasurer.


At the beginning of 2015 there were 9 members of the board: Kit Gage, President; Sarah Jane Marcus, Vice President; Paul Dery, Treasurer; Dee Clarkin, Assistant Treasurer; Jim Anderson; Terry Anderson, Bruce Sidwell; Mike Smith; and Corinne Stephens. During the year, Paul Dery resigned as treasurer and left the board. Dee became treasurer and Sherrell Goggin joined the board as Assistant Treasurer.


In addition to the 9 members on the board at the end of 2015, early in 2016, Delia Aguilar joined the board. She has worked for CASA, the immigrant services and advocacy organization based in suburban Maryland, for the last 10 years.