Sligo Committees

Friends of Sligo Creek works through committees, each one focusing on one important aspect of the health of Sligo's water and woods, and each one a work in progress. These committees vary in their level of activity, depending on urgent concerns of the moment and on participants' interests. Each committee is open to new participants and to the ideas and energy that new people wish to bring. The committees are, at present:
Advocacy Kit Gage E-mail
Litter Patton Stephens E-mail
Stormwater Elaine Lamirande E-mail
Invasive Plants Jim Anderson E-mail
Water Quality Pat Ratkowski E-mail
Natural History Bruce Sidwell E-mail
Outreach and Education Sarah Jane Marcus E-Mail

Each committee has a chairperson who:

Litter Committee

Litter Committee
Web Page


  • To remove trash from Sligo Creek through planned work events and individual vigilance
  • To reduce the amount of trash reaching the park by working with County authorities, following COG's Sligo Creek Trash Reduction Plan, applying new technologies and educating watershed residents


  • Work with business groups to reduce trash originating from commercial areas near the park
  • Work with apartment managers and residents to reduce trash originating from apartment buildings near the park.
  • Work with community groups such as scouts and civic associations to motivate residents to hold events and keep trash picked up in their own sections of the park.
  • Lead two all-Sligo "Sweep the Creek" events each year
  • Consult with Sligo Stewards about work needed in their sections
  • Work with Stormwater Committee and Stewards to explore barriers and other technologies to keep street litter out of storm drains
  • Work with Park management on litter issues
  • Maintain litter page on the website
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Natural History/Ecology Committee

Photo by John White
Natural History Committee
Web Page


  • To provide opportunities for Sligo watershed residents to appreciate and learn about the plants, wildlife, and ecology of Sligo Creek Park
  • To advocate and assist in the protection of habitats essential to plant and animal communities of Sligo

Current Activities:

  • Establish a baseline of flora and fauna in the park, both native and non-native
  • Encourage diversity of wildlife by creating or improving habitat for troubled species
  • Monitor the effects of and collaborate with Park and Planning on their deer control program
  • Maintain "Sightings" page on the website and encourage its use
  • Arrange for educational outings and program meetings
  • Answer questions asked by the public or by members of Friends of Sligo Creek, for example, what is the role of box turtles in the park?
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Invasive Plants Committee


  • To the extent feasible remove invasives in the park so plants native to the park can thrive
  • Encourage long-term invasives control by educating the public about identifying invasives and controlling them on private property as well as parkland


  • Maintain a list of invasive species found in Sligo Creek Park and post on website
  • Work with the Park's Division of Natural Resources and the forest ecologist and staff as they develop policies to control invasives in the park
  • Train people in plant recognition and techniques
  • Maintain contact with Sligo Stewards, tracking removal of invasives and replanting and mapping areas that have been restored. Work with Stewards to set priority areas for restoration
  • Help Stewards organize vine-cutting and other invasives removal work events
  • Create and maintain a tool library for reference and circulation, including supplies of gloves and cutters for group projects
  • Maintain Invasives site on the web page
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Water Quality Committee


  • Systematically monitor and record the water quality of Sligo Creek
  • Educate the public about the importance of clean water for fish and wildlife


  • Select monitoring sites and establish protocols, including frequency of sampling
  • Organize teams to monitor chemical and biological changes in the stream. Test for the presence of macroinvertebrates
  • Solicit and keep records of all contamination events, and consult with the County on its records for Sligo
  • Make contact, as possible, with people/businesses causing contamination to try to remedy the situation and eliminate future problems
  • Give water monitoring demonstrations to the public to educate and motivate support for policies that improve water quality
  • Maintain Water Quality page on the website
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Stormwater Committee

Stormwater Committee
Web Page


  • To educate residents in the Sligo Creek watershed, the general public, politicians and opinion leaders about effects of uncontrolled stormwater on the creek and what they can do to improve the creek's health
  • To promote a more effective Municipal, County and State stormwater management control program
  • To improve the water quality and general health of Sligo Creek by implementing stormwater control measures


  • Implement a stormwater retrofit project in the Sligo Creek watershed to decrease water surges and improve water quality
  • Label storm water drains in the Sligo Creek watershed
  • Promote bayscaping, asking citizens to use their own property to help save the Bay
  • Implement public education program on bayscaping
  • Work with County authorities to improve storm water management
  • Work with County agencies in updating stormwater management regulations
  • Lobby to improve Planning Board notifications
  • Maintain a stormwater page on the website
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Outreach and Education Committee


  • To inform residents in the Sligo Creek watershed, the general public, politicians, educators and other opinion leaders about the needs of Sligo Creek
  • To encourage active participation of residents, community organizations and businesses in protecting and improving the watershed


  • Work with Board, Sligo Stewards and committee chairpersons to plan and execute educational activities and events
  • Publicize "hands-on" work events in Sligo
  • Write and send electronic newsletter on a regular basis
  • Maintain liaison with press, local scout, church and school organizations and citizens groups, to pull in help with work events and educational campaigns
  • Prepare outreach materials such as literature, displays, slide shows, t-shirts and other promotional pieces
  • In collaboration with web master ensure website is maintained and that it reflects the organization's mission
  • Maintain membership database
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Updated by Ann Hoffnar March 2010