1Stormwater Committee Meeting

May 2, 2007


Ed Murtagh (Chair), Diane Cameron, Jill Coutts, Jim Fary, Dave Davidson, Sally Benjamin, Alison Gillespie, Kathy Michels, Jenny Reed

Raingarden Tour

Alison and Ed discussed the upcoming raingarden tour. The tour will target houses of worship in the watershed. Alison will draft a letter of invitation to be sent out soon and the tour will likely take place in the beginning of June.

Raingarden Projects

Takoma Park wants to begin work on Spring Park, using the Forest Park raingarden project as a model. No word yet on the Chesapeake Bay Trust grant proposal. The Takoma Foundation will contribute $1,000 towards the project. Two raingardens have been proposed in the landscaping plan.

Blair High School landscape design is underway. Final meeting will be later this month. Kathy Michels, Jenny Reed and Ed Murtagh will attend. FoSC is proposing a raingarden at a high profile location.

Charlie Andrews (Chair of the County’s Water Quality Advisory Group) has asked Ed to give a talk to the advisory group on issues related to stormwater management and DEP..

Work on residential showcase raingarden may begin on Sally and David Davidson’s yard this spring. Ed is also working with Jim Fary to help NNWB do a residential raingarden showcase on his yard.

Northwood High School raingarden project has begun, and plans were made for the installation days. Jill, Jenny and Ed discussed some technical aspects of the project and needs for the digging which is going to be done. The workday is scheduled for later in May. The workday will be mainly Northwood students, parents and teachers.

Advocacy Items

TMDLs – bacteria limits have been approved

Sediment loading connections with stormwater - ¾ of the sediment according to MDE is from stormwater

Stormwater Partners has proposed a “Green Streets” amendment to the Road Code bill.

Street trees: connections needed with stormwater

Stormwater Partners meeting possible late May or early June. Diane Cameron is coordinating .