Stormwater Committee Meeting

September 5, 2007


Ed Murtagh (Chair), Jenny Reed, Emily Sudbrink, Gina Riazi, Kathy Michels, Ann Hoffnar

First time participants - Gina Riazi and Emily Sudbrink

  1. Gina Riazi works with the Green Kids program at the Audubon Naturalist Society. She has information about the DEP constructed wetlands which she will pass on to us. Gina indicated that she would be interested in joining the stormwater committee.

  2. Emily Sudbrink is involved with both Silver Spring International Middle School and the adjacent Sligo Creek Elementary School. She is very interested in working with FoSC on doing environmental landscaping projects at the schools’ yards (Including rain gardens; see rain garden projects below)

Rain garden Projects

  1. Silver Spring International Middle School (SSIMS) and Sligo Creek Elementary School: We looked at sites plans. Emily has been involved with the schools for some time. They share a campus (former Blair High School). The middle school children worked on a butterfly garden last school year and the principal is very enthusiastic about building a rain garden. Emily assured us that incremental work would be quite satisfactory. Ed indicated that DEP was willing to provide mulch, plants, and soil and possibly Conservation Corps labor could supplement the children’s work. If we find enough help, we could possibly start this fall. It would be great if we could talk to the children and staff, perhaps at an assembly or in the classrooms. Follow up: Jenny and Emily will meet at the school and walk the yard. Ed will contact DEP regarding the schedule. Gina (whose child goes to SCES) is also interested in participating.

  2. Blair High School: This project is on hold for the fall. Things are not moving right now.

  3. Northwood High School: The work needs maintenance. Jill Coutts has moved to a new position at Poolesville High School. We look forward to working with the new Environmental Academy director at Northwood, Erol KMiller.

  4. Eastern Middle School: We need to set up a maintenance work day. Kathy will coordinate.

Rainscapes Grants

  1. There is a possibility that Friends will be asked to be a grantee under the County’s Rainscapes program to subcontract with residents of our watershed to build raingarden projects on private property. Ed and Kathy have met with Pam Rowe to discuss the possibilities.

Upcoming Conferences

  1. Citizens Watershed Conference This upcoming conference is being sponsored by the Stormwater Partners Network, and will be held at the County Council building on Saturday, October 27, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. For more information, please contact Chesapeake Conservation Landscape Council (CCLC) This November 9 conference is a follow-on to the conference last year.

  2. We need to help get the word out about both of these conferences. We can advertise on the web site, listserv, web calendar and newsletter.

Moldova Delegation to Tour

  1. This month a delegation from Moldova will tour some Sligo stormwater sites. American Elm Park is one of the sites they plan to tour.

Update on Montgomery College Arts and Design site development.

  1. There was a citizens meeting September 4. The developer wants to erect townhouses. Neighbors and others want to save the property for Legacy Open Space. Ed drafted a letter for the board to send pointing out that smart growth doesn’t always mean development. We discussed briefly.

Minutes prepared by Ed Murtagh and Ann Hoffnar