1Stormwater Committee Meeting

October 3, 2007

Attending: Ed Murtagh (Chair), Jenny Reed, Gina Riazi, Kathy Michels, Ann Hoffnar, Holly Olson, Mike Smith, Diane Cameron and daughter

Gina’s Power Point Presentation

  1. Gina shared the presentation on the Forest Glen wetlands and the Dennis Ave stormwater ponds, which she had given as a class project.

Update on Rain garden Projects

  1. Silver Spring International Middle School (SSIMS) and Sligo Creek Elementary School: October 9 is set for a walk-through at the site. Holly will help. She is interested as she is working on a degree in Landscape Design at George Washington U.

  2. Eastern Middle School: We had two maintenance workdays this fall. We need one more work day this fall to get the gardens ready for winter..

RainScapes Grants

  1. Ed, Diane, Kathy and Jenny have been attending Implementation Meetings held by DEP to get public input.

  2. We will continue to participate and try to move the project forward.

Upcoming Conferences

  1. Citizens Watershed Conference This upcoming conference is being sponsored by the Stormwater Partners Network, and will be held at the County Council building on Saturday, October 27, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. For more information, please contact dianemcameron@verizon.net. Chesapeake Conservation Landscape Council (CCLC) This November 9 conference is a follow-on to the conference last year.

  2. We need to help get the word out about both of these conferences. We can advertise on the web site, listserv. Both are already on the web calendar and were in the October newsletter.

Moldova Delegation to Tour

  1. On October 22 a delegation from Moldova will tour some Sligo stormwater sites. American Elm Park is one of the sites they plan to tour. Ed and Kathy will be there to talk about the raingarden and native plants.

Minutes prepared by Ed Murtagh and Ann Hoffnar