Stormwater Committee Meeting

February 7, 2008



Upcoming Conferences and Meetings

We and the DEP are co-sponsoring Public Outreach 101 for Watershed Groups. It is to be held Saturday, March 8, 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm at the Takoma Park Middle School. Ansu John will make a presentation, then there will be breakout group activity to plan and strategize. The Outreach Committee is helping us advertise. After this training session, we will be better equipped to invite local advisory groups, civic associations, to join in our efforts.

Jill told us about a committee in MCPS, headed by Laurie Bricker, the new outdoor and environmental ed supervisor for MCPS. (This is a state-level initiative developed by Becky Bell, who suggested we have a point person in each county to coordinate activities.) The Montgomery County committee will bring together interested people in MCPS, agencies and other groups such as local watershed groups to build a coalition together and work with our students. This will be very useful for our outreach efforts at our watershed schools. The next meeting is at the Smith Center on Muncaster Mill Road in Rockville in mid March. We will follow the activities of this group and perhaps work with them in the future. Ed is planning on attending the March meeting.

Other Watershed Activities of Interest

Many other initiatives are in the works; many of them involving schools. Jill talked about “Wild Montgomery” which Rob Gibbs of Park and Planning has organized. He has a website and is trying to encourage citizens to get out into the parks and observe wildlife. Under this program, Poolesville and Northwood high school students, along with watershed groups, will be hiking and cataloging sites of interest and taking pictures for the website. Jill is encouraging them to hike the Northwest Branch.

The Kingsley Center, run by MCPS Career and Tech Ed staff, has started a program for students who want to train for jobs in the “green” industry. There is much more demand for people trained in this area than supply. It seems that “greening” is approaching the main stream.

The DEP is offering watershed training for contractors. Contractors who take the training are eligible for the “preferred list” of contractors. This is important element of the Rainscapes Rebate Program.

Pam Rowe is planning to create a pod-cast about watersheds. Jenny and her business partner Lauren will probably be involved.

Our Rainscapes Activities

Dr. Alex Chen, with the Urban Planning Department of the University of Maryland, is working in partnership with Northwood High School. The U of M has previously been involved with Northwood High School on Wheaton Redevelopment. Now Chen is working with the Northwood students who will conduct LID audits in the central business district of Wheaton. (Jill’s students have done LID audits in Poolesville so we have a resource of information there.) We have been working with Northwood staff and students for some time and continue to work with them. Ed is to make a presentation to students this month. We are helping to develop the audit survey materials. Holly pointed out that we need to bring in the Wheaton Redevelopment Advisory committees.

We see Northwood as a model which we can use for outreach and education. Our role will be limited. Perhaps under a memorandum of understanding, we could provide our website, possibly a field trip, and perhaps two presentations a year.

SSIMS project

The raingarden at the school is planned and ready to go. two teachers are very excited about it. Emily, Gina, Jenny and Ed are involved. The project seems to be on hold at the present (Emily was not present to provide an update). When the work begins, our role will be one of technical advice and we would probably do some presentations.

Raingarden Rebate Program

The rebate process is difficult. Residents have to have a detailed plan before they can be accepted for a rebate. Most will need to hire a landscaper to develop the plan. This may be a problem. Kit Gage will call Pam Rowe about the process. Holly will work with her.

We might be able to develop a checklist for citizens to use to see if they qualify. Is the slope right, are there no trees too close, is the soil permeable, is it to be a distance from the house....

The Sligo Bainsworth area is one of the DEP targeted subwatersheds. They will get a substantial amount of money and a set of goals. Outreach to that community is essential.

We hope to get at least one neighborhood in which we can bundle raingardens. This gives contractors several small jobs in one area, which lowers the cost per raingarden. Kit, Alison and Holly all agreed that they can probably get several neighbors interested. Holly is going to start working with her listserv to promote the idea.

Minutes prepared by Ed Murtagh and Ann Hoffnar