1Stormwater Committee Meeting

April 9, 2008


  1. Ed Murtagh (Chair)

  2. Gina Riazi

  3. Ann Hoffnar

  4. Jim Fary

  5. Kit Gage

  6. Kathy Michels (on phone)

The primary focus of the meeting was the status of our various raingarden projects

Working with the DEP Rainscapes program

DEP has received very few, if any, applications for raingarden grants. We believe it is primarily due to the cumbersome nature of the application process and the onerous requirements themselves.

DEP plans a meeting, probably on the 16th. Ed will attend and Kit, Jim and Holly may join him. Ed wants to point out that the size and depth of the raingardens is way too large for citizens to handle. The minimum depth required is 2 1/2 feet and the footage required is a minimum of 200 square feet. This size and depth would require heavy equipment and a lot of soil removal and replacement.

We want to help DEP modify the requirements and the application form so we can encourage citizens to apply and get the process rolling.

Budget discussion

Ann suggested that we ask the Board for money to work on raingarden projects. She says we have been turned down in the past because we need to be more specific about how we plan to use the money and reasons why other options will not work. We need to outline expected outcomes as well. After the meeting with DEP, Ed and Ann will work out a request which Ann will forward to the Board. Our brainstorming included: we want to get our “grouping in one neighborhood” demo going this spring; Rainscapes grant is not available yet; we can coordinate with DEP--they will provide soil; we have some plants available; we need money to pay for some of the heavy digging; Sligo Park Hills and Forest Estates CAs are ready now; we need this project for outreach and education of citizens in the watershed.

Various notes on our projects

  1. Ed and Jim will look at Gina’s yard to see if a raigarden will work there.

  2. Ann will contact Takoma Park Public Works again about the watering options for Forest Park: replace fountain to obtain access? use water from a nearby hydrant by coordinating with Takoma Park Gardner? Friends might be able to pay if the cost is not prohibitive.

  3. We lack information about SSIMS. Are they still planning a spring work day? Gina will check.

  4. Gina may also look into the Montgomery County request for volunteer help.

Minutes prepared by Ed Murtagh and Ann Hoffnar