Stormwater Committee Meeting

August 7, 2008


Ed Murtagh (Chair)

Ann Hoffnar

Holly Olson

Melanie Boerger

Jenny Reed

Gina Riazi

Kathy Michels

Diane Cameron

Neighborhood Raingardens

We now have three gardens dug in Forest Estates and one dug and planted in Kit Gage’s yard in Takoma Park. We are moving toward our goal. Meanwhile, the North Hills of Sligo Creek citizen’s organization is interested in our model. Heather Phipps approached Ed Murtagh about the possibility of FOSC helping the North Hills of Sligo Creek community. Once we complete the first phase of our Forest Estates Project (October), we should help them if they need our assistance. The community will provide most of the labor.

School LID

Kathy reports that SSIMS has done some work and the Assistant Principal, Mr. Mamana, is very enthusiastic about LID. However, those in the schools that want to move forward face serious problems. There is little understanding about the advantages of LID and many unwarranted concerns about installing features (ex. rain barrels causing flooding on roofs.) And maintenance is always a problem.

Kathy thinks schools need to have some guidance. For example, rainbarrel criteria would help them with purchasing effective, easy to maintain, barrels.

Diane added that on a larger scale, she would like to see us develop a white paper, advocating for school LID. It would address some problems such as: money allocated for school LID is not going into the schools; schools are not being held accountable for installing features.

Kathy will write a letter to Joe Lavorg about LID at SSIMS and then we will organize a meeting with their staff.

Gina and Kathy will help Diane draft the white paper.

Corps of Engineers/COG projects

The Corps of Engineers has major restoration work on the Anacostia authorized by Congress but not yet funded. COG is working with the Corps to help plan projects, hoping they will be funded. Friends of Sligo Creek has been to early planning meetings--Sligo Creek could be the site for projects. Ed wants to voice the need to work toward “watershed restoration” rather than “stream restoration”. We hope to be a strong voice and hope we are not included just to fill the “pubic interest” value.

Diane told us we should stay in touch with Dana Minerva, who is the Executive Director of the Anacostia Watershed Restoration Partnership and is very interested in this restoration work. She can help coordinate input of citizens and watershed groups in the planning and execution of Corps projects.

On the Horizon

Melanie pointed out that the Maryland Industrial Permit is up for renewal this year. We probably will want to track developments and make comments. Our previous work on the Stormwater Permit will have given us good background training.

minutes by Ed Murtagh and Ann Hoffnar