Stormwater Committee Meeting

October 6, 2008


Ed Murtagh (Chair)

Ann Hoffnar

Wendy Bell

Kit Gage

Jenny Reed

Kathy Michels

Holly Olson

Alert to Look for New Chair

Ed would like to step down as chair but plans to stay on the committee. We are to begin thinking about a replacement. Ed feels there is little more that he can add to the committee or our efforts and this would be a good opportunity for others who have different strengths and ideas to chair the committee. A rotating chair would be healthy for the committee (perhaps a two year term). Ed would also like to step down so he can take on other challenges in FOSC.

Raingarden Work

We talked about the need for a home owner/Friends of Sligo Creek agreement listing responsibilities of each and signed by each before work begins on raingardens. Ann will look for the document we drafted for a recent grant request, revise if necessary for this purpose and send it to Ed for final edits. We will insist on using only native plants, homeowner maintenance, a check-up visit from us, and homeowner watering as necessary. We also plan to ask the homeowner for a donation to the FOSC Raingarden Fund (based on ability to pay-- perhaps $50 to $100) if FOSC technical or project management support is required. We will use the fund as seed money to provide technical & project management support for other neighborhood raingardens. There is a large demand for technical and project management support and FOSC can not depend on volunteers to meet this time consuming demand.

Another feature of our raingarden work is to provide experience for professionals--so that those we use will gain more experience designing and installing raingardens.

Pam Rowe noted at the last RainScapes Implementation meeting that she is working to revise the Rainscapes application form and criterion. It seems the work is going apace.

Potential Future Work

Ed gave a presentation to the Woodmoor Pinecrest Civic Association about stormwater and homeowner stewardship. They were quite receptive. That neighborhood actually is in the Northwest Branch watershed, so NNWB is involved. Ed thought it was important for the committee to go out and talk to community groups. He would like to give the PowerPoint Presentation he used at Woodmoor/Pinecrest at the next Stormwater Committee meeting. We need a good general presentation that any of us can use.

We hope to work with CASA. Ann pointed out that they are very anxious to work with us. This would be an excellent partnership for training “green collar” workers. Kit will call CASA.

Neighborhood Raingardens

--Raingarden Planting/Information Day Saturday October 11 in Holly’s neighborhood (Forest Estates).

--Work day at Eastern Middle School October 19

Upcoming Raingarden Workshops and Tours

--Raingarden Workshop with DEP: Pam Rowe would like to work with us on a raingarden work shop this fall at Blair.

--CBF is planning a workshop too.

--The Stormwater Partners have a tour scheduled for October 18. Tour will include a stop at one of our project (Northwood High School rain gardens).

Work We Need to Begin

--translate our materials into Spanish

--create a handout on selecting a rain barrel--what to look for, where they can be best used, how to maintain...

Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday November 3

minutes by Ed Murtagh and Ann Hoffnar