Stormwater Committee Meeting

April 12, 2010


Ed Murtagh

Kit Gage

Wendy Bell

Elaine Lamirande

Diane Cameron

Pierre Cassagnol

Kathy Michels

Eliza Reed

Spring Projects

Woodmoor’s Pinecrest Elementary School will be installing a demonstration raingarden.

The dig is scheduled for April 24th and planting the following weekend. Ann English will be supervising student workers on this project.

There are various homeowner projects in the works which will consist of both conservation landscaping and raingardens. We will finish the CBT grant with these projects.

The Green Wheaton project is set to go ahead. It will be a 500sq ft. high profile conservation landscape garden adjacent to parking lot 13. The prep work for this

is scheduled for April 28th.

Kit Gage reported on her plan to order a number of 205 gallon above ground

cisterns which she will make available to the public for around $250.each.

They would be a much larger capacity alternative to the smaller rainbarrels used by

most homeowners.

Watershed Academy

Ed, Kit, Wendy, Jenny and Elaine are in the beginning stages of putting together a

coalition of water conservation groups in Montgomery County to run a watershed

stewardship program. They have already written a memo of understanding and a

fundraising proposal.

Diane Cameron reported on the recent stormwater compromise in the Maryland General

Assembly which will allow for around 1,000-1,500 redevelopment projects state-wide

to be grandfathered in under the old regulations in effect prior to the 2007 Storm-water

management Act.

Minutes prepared by Ed Muragh and Eliza Reed