Financial Summary for Year Ending December 31, 2004


Funds Raised in Prior Years to Support 2004 Expense 5,516.93  
Donations/Membership Contributions 4,203.00  
Fund Raiser (Mugs/ T-Shirts) 283.25  
Interest Earned 10.51  
Grant - Restricted (CBT RIP Grant) 13,000.00  
Grant - Non-Restricted (Summit Foundation) 4,000.00  
Total Support & Revenue:   27,013.69


General & Administrative
  Insurance 942.00  
  Volunteer Appreciation 166.95  
  Administrative Supplies 28.19  
Outreach Material & Events
  Website & Database 249.65  
  Printing & Copying 161.57  
  Display Board 283.63  
  Business Cards 486.00  
  Canopy 166.95  
Program Services
  Program & Event Supplies 187.21  
  Sweep the Creek 71.23  
  Summer Solstice Picnic 30.00  
  Takoma Park Street Festival 60.00  
  Takoma Park Folk Festival 35.00  
  Tools & Equipment 189.70  
  Invasives Committee 21.05  
  Deer Exclosures 90.01  
  Stream Abatement 42.21  
Grant Expenditures
  Summit Foundation - Invasive removal 4,000.00  
  CBT Invasives Grant for RIP Project 0.00  
Total Expense: 7,211.35
Fund Balances Carried Forward into 2005:
  Unrestricted 6,802.34  
  Restricted - CBT RIP Grant 13,000.00