2011 Year End Budget Report

Inflows Budget Actual
Carryover (surplus, previous year) 5,000 5,000
Donations 4,000 5,748
Fundraisers 0 0
Grant: CBT Signbox 5,000 3,250
Grant: Mont Co Stormwater -- --
Grant: Takoma Fdn 1,200 1,200
Interest Earned 5 6
Membership 3,125 2,105
Merchandise sales 20 0
TP Folk Fesitval 300 0
Total Inflows 18,650 17,309
Outflows Budget Actual
Litter Committee
Non-sweep activities 100 0
Sweep-the-Creek 400 632
Subtotal Litter 500 632
Natural History Committee
Events and walks 200 0
Printing for signboxes 250 32
Supplies 200 28
Subtotal Natural History 650 60
Organizational Categories
Administrative supplies & copies 125 67
Advocacy 50 0
Celebrations 700 439
Fiduciary - Grn Wheaton 145 0
Insurance 940 942
Miscellaneous 50 31
P O Box 92 96
Postage 40 18
Program meetings - space rental 400 320
Stewards gathering 100 0
Volunteer appreciation (gifts) 300 0
Subtotal Organizational 2,942 1,913
Outreach Committee
Grant match, CBT signbox 1,680 0
Grant: CBT Signbox & Match 5,000 928
Newsletter 300 357
Other 100 65
Printing, copying 1,200 1,358
TP Folk Festival 55 55
Website 180 259
Database 4,000 2,290
Subtotal Outreach 12,515 5,312
Passthrough Funds
Grn Whtn (raingarden) 145 --
Subtotal Passthru 145 --
RIP Committee
Supplies 600 545
Subtotal RIP 600 545
Stormwater Committee
Outreach material 500 256
Watershed Academy scholarship 225 225
Takoma Fdn, rain garden sign 1,200 1,200
Subtotal Stormwater 1,925 1,681
Water Quality Committee
Equipment and supplies 140 200
Water quality testing 160 87
Subtotal Water Quality 300 287
Total Outflows 19,577 10,430
Net Inflows/Outflow -927 6,879