Hanging Flyers for Friends of Sligo Creek

Prepare the flyer

  1. Work out content and design
  2. Calculate quantity (see table below)
  3. Make/print copies

Plan hanging-responsibility

  1. Set the hang-up date--give a week's lead, including both Saturday and Sunday the week before the event
  2. Recruit hang-up prepare-ers, hang-ers, and remove-ers (but unless hang-ers make great notes, they have to be removers)

Prepare hang-ups

  1. Gather supplies:
  2. Crease the line at the top of the tear-offs to make it easier for people to tear it away from the flyer without ripping
  3. Cut the lines between each of the tear-offs
  4. Tear off one of the tear-offs to "prime the pump" and create visual interest
  5. Put the flyer, head-first, into the bag and secure with two staples at the top

Gather supplies for posting hang-ups

  1. Paper and pen for recording places flyers are hung, for later pickup
  2. Twine of any kind and scissors or knife for cutting
  3. Tape for affixing hang-ups to park signs (brown packing tape sticks great, doesn't come off signs very easily though) and for creating wrap-arounds for hanging on trees
  4. Stapler or staple-gun for affixing to kiosks (not trees! - it hurts some people to see it, even if it doesn't hurt the trees)
  5. Push-pins for affixing to bulletin boards at stores, libraries, golf clubhouse


Removing flyers


Where to put the flyers?
Number Ideas for placement
~25 University to New Hampshire--
on park signs, trash barrels, kiosks, or trees near parking lots, playgrounds, bridges, intersections
? New Hampshire south to confluence
1 Golf course club house
2 Grocery stores:Takoma Park Coop, Sniders
4 Libraries: Wheaton, Silver Spring, Long Branch, Takoma
1 Park headquarters (must get inside during office hours)

Other possibilities (untried, but possible):

Updates & improvements to this punchlist for Hanging Flyers: please contribute to Laura Mol (301) 681-9686 E-mail