Sligo Stewards

Hanging Flyers

Contact Information for Reporting Local Problems

Contact Information for Agencies

Removing Invasive Plants Project Event Sign-In Sheet

Getting Volunteers in Montgomery County

Montgomery County Student Service Verification Form (PDF)

Information Sheet to Hand Out to Student Volunteers at Events (DOC)

Montgomery County Volunteer Request Form (DOC)

Rain and Events

Publicity for events should state, "In case of poor weather, check the web an hour before the event."

  1. Check the weather. One source is
  2. Tell anyone else helping to lead the event of your decision..
  3. An hour and 15 minutes before your event, write an e-mail to the webmaster ( with suggested wording you'd like posted on the home page.

    Example: RIP Event in Section 8, Dennis to University, Cancelled. The next event will be Aug. 7, 1pm See for future scheduled events.

    If the weather is doubtful but you WILL hold an event, you may want to assure people. Ask the webmaster ( for a message such as "The Garlic Mustard event between Colesville and Forest Glen WILL be held today.""

  4. Telephone the webmaster at 301-270-2248 to tell him you have written an e-mail. If no answer, don't leave a message. Phone him at 301-270-1254.

Notification of Park & Planning

You are responsible for seeing that you or someone on the RIP Team contacts Jayne Hench, Volunteer Services Office, 301-495-2504 at least a week in advance to request permission to hold each event. She needs to know the date, meeting site, and purpose (plant removal). Or call, 301-495-2504. After the event, you or your designee on the RIP Team needs to write Jayne, Carole Bergmann, and the RIP Coordinator to report how many attended the event, for an average of about how many hours. The average allows you to take into account those who come or leave early.

Jayne wrote me, "The Park & Planning Commission requires that all service organizations gain authorization to perform work on park property. This is our policy."

In cases where a group of ten or more Weed Warriors gather to work, Jayne would appreciate notification "just to make sure there's no conflict." Those volunteers would keep their hours to be reported with the quarterly Weed Warrior hour request.

"Please remind all of your members who organize service events that they must contact Volunteer Services at 301-495-2504 prior to posting an event - at least a week ahead. We will contact the Park Manager and Park Police and other appropriate staff and provide the project leader with a permission letter to work on Park property."

Stewards, please e-mail Sally Gagne if you need:

Please remember to check with her/the Board before directly contacting agency staff, creating publicity, or other activity using the logo of Friends of Sligo Creek.