FrogWatch 2005 Summary by Site Location and Month

  # of visits Frogs # of visits Frogs # of visits Frogs # of visits Frogs # of visits Frogs
1. Headwaters: Blueridge @ Channing 3   3 American Toad, overlapping, 4/8 1   0   0  
2. Headwaters @ Kersey 2   2   0   0   0  
3. University Blvd Stormwater Pond 0   2 American Toad, chorus, 4/7 1 Gray Tree Frog, chorus; Pickerel Frog, individual, 5/8 0   1 Gray Tree Frog, chorus; Bullfrog, overlapping, 7/17
4. Headwaters @ Ladd 0   1 American Toad, overlapping, 4/8; egg masses observed, possibly Wood Frog 0   0   0  
5. Wheaton Br. Storm Ponds 2 [possible Spring Peeper, individual, 3/20] 2   3   0   1  
6. Wheaton Br. Vernal Pools 9   12   5   0   1  
7. Godwin Drive Marsh 3 Spring Peeper, individual, 3/30 2   0   0   1 Bullfrog, individual, 7/17
8. Boardwalk at Dallas Ave 3 Bullfrog individual seen nearby at foot of Crosby, 3/30 1 American Toad, chorus, 4/4 0   0   0  
9. Acorn Hill 2   0   0   0   0  
10. Three Oaks 3   1   0   0   0  
12. Maple Ave. storm drains 2   0   0   0   0  
13. N. Hamp. at 13th 0   1   0   0   0  
14. EW Hwy at 17th 1   1   0   0   0  
15. Long Br. @ Wayne 0   0   0   0   0  
16. Long Br. @ Hamilton 0   2   0   0   0  
17. Long Br. @ Jackson 0   1   0   0   0  
TOTAL/SUMMARY 30 Spring Peeper individual heard; Bullfrog individual seen 31 American Toads, chorus and overlapping;
possible Wood Frog egg masses
10 Gray Tree Frog, chorus;
Pickerel Frog, individual
0 ---- 4 Gray Tree Frog, chorus and overlapping
Bullfrog, individual and overlapping

NOTES: All reports are for frogs heard, not seen, unless otherwise noted.

(Terms used according to FrogWatch criteria, USGS.)