FrogWatch 2006 Summary by Frog Species

Frog Species Number Heard (or seen),* Location, & Date Past Occurence**
Upper Sligo Middle Sligo Lower Sligo
American Toad Bufo americanus OVERLAPPING, Dallas Ave. boardwalk, 4/11
CHORUS, Dallas Ave. boardwalk, 4/12 & 4/14
CHORUS, Kemp Mill Stormwater Ponds, 4/13
OVERLAPPING, Blueridge & Channing (headwaters), 4/14
OVERLAPPING, Forest Glen wetlands (at Godwin), 4/15
confirmed confirmed confirmed
Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana INDIVIDUAL, Kemp Mill Storwater Ponds, 5/28
OVERLAPPING, Kemp Mill Stormwater Ponds, 6/18
OVERLAPPING, Forest Glen wetlands (at Godwin), 6/18
confirmed expected expected
Green Frog Rana clamitans INDIVIDUAL, Forest Glen wetlands (at Godwin), 4/23 confirmed expected expected
Pickerel Frog Rana palustris OVERLAPPING, Kemp Mill stormwater ponds, 4/16, 5/6, & 5/15 confirmed expected expected
Wood Frog Rana sylvatica TADPOLES, Kemp Mill stormwater ponds, 4/29 (confirmed by lab examination) confirmed unlikely possible
Spring Peeper Pseudacris crucifer None confirmed unlikely possible
Gray Tree Frog Hyla versicolor OVERLAPPING, Kemp Mill stormwater ponds, 5/13, 5/23, & 5/28
CHORUS, Kemp Mill stormwater ponds, 6/18
confirmed unlikely possible
Fowler's Toad Bufo woodhousii None possible possible possible
Southern Leopard Frog Rana spenocephala None unlikely unlikely possible
Striped Chorus Frog Pseudacris triseriata
Eastern Spadefood Toad Scaphiopus holbrookii
Green Tree Frog Hyla cinera
None unlikely unlikely unlikely
* Individual = single frog calling
   Overlapping = more than one frog calling but individual frogs discernable
   Chorus = too many frogs calling to distinguish individuals
** From list on, compiled by Council of Governments (1998)