Sligo Night Herons
There were many sighting of yellow crowned night herons near Sligo Creek this spring. On June 5 I saw one near Forest Glen Road. I went back next day with a camera! I found a heron fishing in the creek. On June 10 joggers told me about a nest with five chicks near Three Oaks Drive. The chicks were about a month old. I went back whenever I could. On June 25 I watched the parents coax all five chicks to fly to them. See the photo. The chicks returned to the nest for another week or so to be fed and to sleep. They may still be living along the creek.

Yellow-crowned night heron nest
Adult night heron
Month old chicks
Going Out on a Limb

Largest chicks walk along the branch
Standing tall
Rubbing their bills together
Parent watching the nest

Adults preening
More preening
About to fly to the nest
Arriving at the nest

Five chicks in the nest
Foraging in a grassy meadow
Gobbling up a large earthworm
Foraging in a little stream bed

Feeding its chicks
More food
The parent leaves
Where did Mom go?

Another feeding
A beautiful ritual
(... continued)
Playing in the Creek

Playing "catch the stick"
Same sleepy heron chick
Preening a wing

Wings spread for preening
Photo album generated by album generator a MarginalHack by Dave Madison on Tue Jul 14 15:01:54 2009