Friends of Sligo Creek recently signed on to this letter to the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) urging both MDE and DNR to add the Anacostia River and its tributaries (including Sligo Creek) to the state's impaired waters list, specifying trash as the pollutant of concern. Once the Anacostia watershed is listed, we can begin the process of developing a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for trash in the watershed,and enforceable actions to meet the TMDL.
The letter,which includes the latest Anacostia Tributary Trash Survey, has great photos at the end.

WSSC Temporary Sewer Pipes Trap Trash - Feb 2015
How the Bottle Bill Works in Michigan for Consumers and Supermarkets
Help educate others about storm drain runoff into Sligo Creek
First 2008 Maryland Bottle Bill Meeting Report
Maryland Bottle Bill Meeting
- Feb 2007
Bottle bill advocacy letter to send to Maryland State Delegates
Trash Survey Training
- June 2006
Sligo Spring Cleanup 2006
Montgomery County
Recycling Tour
Trash Summit Report
Trash Reduction Strategies in the Sligo Creek Watershed
Ten Things You Can Do to Help Sligo Creek
Letter to MDE supporting TDML for Trash
Photos of Litter on the Anacostia River
Cleaning Up Takoma Branch and Wheaton Branch
Action Log Entry for the Trash Screen in Section 9
Anti-Litter Outreach Efforts

Take Pride in Sligo Creek!