Memorials in Sligo Park

Robert Harmon, Jr. and Robert Hobstetter

Washington Post, August 11, 1969
Washington Post, Sept. 17, 1998. PrinceGeorges Weekly section.
Website posting by Clair Garman,
which includes information from Bob Jacobs, President of the Chillum-Adelphi Fire Department.
Photographs made from photographs at the Chillum-Adelphi Fire Company.

Becca Lilly

Montgomery Parks web page on Becca Lilly Park

The Washington Post chronicled her struggle in a series of articles.
The photo of Becca Lilly is from April 2, 1996.

Jane Sasseen

Conversation with a neighbor who contributed to the bench.
The Peninsula Clarion, online.

Anne Marie Johnson Dade

Email from Anne Marie's sister, Barbara Danielson. She was researching family history and found our website which the said that we were unable to contact the family.

William Caswell

Conversation with family.
Washington Post, Sept 12, page T14 and Sept. 13, page A11.

Alison Thresher

Conversation with a neighbor-friend.


Coversation with Beanie's sister, who lived on a street near the bench. A neighbor arranged for her to meet me.

Hobart Knight and Finley Fairley

Alan Dodd, Parkside, one-time principal, conversation. Alan had a sign placed at the buildling's entrance about the boys
Sally Gagné, North Hills of Sligo Creek: History, People and Surroundings. 2003. Copy at the Silver Spring Library or phone 301-588-2071.

Walter Penney

Washington Post, Jan. 12, 2002, B7; April 7, 2002, C3.; March 27, 2003, T14.
Silver Spring Gazette March 26, 2003
Email, Jean Cavanaugh

Baha'i Martyrs

Washington Post Jan. 7, 1982; Feb. 20, 1982; May 23, 1983; Oct. 13, 1984

Bibi Kahn

Conversaition with Sue Morelli, who painted the stone memorial.

Denis Wolf

Conversation with a sister, 2004.
Washington Post, Aug. 26, 1974, C2; Oct.3, 1977, C1
Sculptor Steven Weitzman:
Conversation with Joe Howard, owner of door

Ida Heller

Conversation with Sidney Heller, Ida's husband.

James and Mary Lee

Robert E. Lee, Jr., conversation and email, 2008-9.
Ann Littlefield Coleman, e-mail.
Kayla J. Lee Williams. Photos and basic information are from the family website. Click on photos and see pages 12-20.

Causes of Death in Persons Memorialized in Sligo Creek Park

Compiled February 2009


Robert Harmon, Jr., drowning
Robert Hobstetter, drowning
Anne Marie Johnson Dade, auto, collision
Finley Fairley, electrocution
Denis Martin Wolf, auto, drunk driver
Walter Penney, auto, speeding


Becca Lilly, cancer
Beanie, unknown illness
Hobart Knight, cancer
JoAnn Peregoy, cancer
Bibi Khan, heart
Ida Heller, cancer
Probably James and Mary Lee, 1700s; no recorded cause of death


Jane Sasseen, drug crime
William Caswell, 9/11 attack
Alison Thresher, disappeared
Baha'i Martyrs, persecution in Iran