Sassafras Tree
County Champion
Forest Glen Rd

Sightings on Sligo Creek

Plants & Animals of Sligo

Sligo Creek Park is home to a great variety and abundance of plants, animals, and habitats, all of which the Friends of Sligo Creek seeks to document, enjoy, and protect.

Plants Animals
Habitats Nature Outings

Action Log - Snapping Turtle Nest
Friends of Sligo Creek Natural History Committee
Becoming a Community Wildlife Habitat
Friends of Sligo Creek Deer Survey Report
Friends of Sligo Creek Deer Policy
Balancing Stewardship and Recreation in Montgomery County Parks (2.5MB PDF)
Natural Beauty in Our Powerline Corridor
(1.6MB PDF)
Thanks to Pepco for our powerline meadow
Creek Habitat Improvement via Restoration Projects, 1990-2004 - Report summary--Redmond and Harper (2 page PDF)
Creek Habitat Improvement via Restoration Projects, 1990-2004 - Presentation photos and text (2.5MB, 32 page PDF)
That's Not a Puddle, It's a Vernal Pool

Opportunities nearby to enjoy and learn

Wild Montgomery (Montgomery County Parks programs)
Nature Programs at Audubon Naturalist Society
Nature Programs at Brookside Nature Center