George Pappas and Sligo Creek

Click on the CD to listen to the music of "Sligo Creek"
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From the jacket of the CD

I've wanted to do this recording for a long time. Over the years I have been blessed with a wide range of musician friends and band mates, many of whom gave their time and talents to this CD. The selections l have chosen to use on this record reflect many different influences on my songwriting, both in terms of personal experiences and the musicians and bands that had an intrinsic affect on what I created.

Sligo Creek is a tributary of the Anacostia River and it flows about 25 yards in front of the house where I grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland. 40 years later, it continues to evoke in me a sense of balance, stability and comfort in a world where precious little is guaranteed. Nearly every person who appears on this album has a connection to Sligo Creek as well, making it a natural choice for the title cut.

George Pappas; acoustic guitar, vocals
Michael Bucci; drums
Bruce Youmans; bass
Rick Richtmyer; Dobro, acoustic guitar
Susan Jones; fiddle
Claire Richtmyer; background vocals
Lloyd Youmans; background vocals
Recorded at Sugarloaf Studio, Adamstown, Maryland.

From George Pappas

My name is George Pappas and I grew up at 606 Bennington Drive in Silver Spring. I am a singer songwriter and recently finished a CD of original music called "Sligo Creek." The title cut of the CD describes some of the events(I could have written a hundred verses) that transpired in my life around the creek. Most of the people who worked on the recording lived near Sligo Creek as well. I think it captures the feeling and at least the sentiment of those who know the area really well. I truly love the serenity Sligo Creek and have fond memories of my life there when I lived across the street from it in the late 50's and 60's.

This web page was published with the permission of George Pappas

For more information or to purchase the CD, please contact George Pappas.