Physical Monitoring

The physical conditions around a stream have an impact on its water quality. Eroded stream banks, trash dumps, exposed sewer pipes, inadequate stream buffers and other physical problems around a stream can be identified as places where potential future action can be taken.

Sligo Creek Cross Section Survey

The Water Quality Committee will periodically survey two cross sections of Sligo Creek to see how it changes over time.

Stream Corridor Assessment survey (SCA)

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Watershed Restoration Division has developed this protocol that can be used by persons interested in observing physical problems in a watershed and prioritizing their restoration.

SCA survey of Sligo Creek (Google Maps Version)

Masaya Maeda, Water Quality Specialist for the Anacostia Watershed Society, conducted this survey of Sligo Creek using the Maryland DNR Stream Corridor Assessment protocol and identified physical problems in the watershed.

PDF files of SCA survey of Sligo Creek

These PDF files show major findings of the SCA survey Masaya Maeda conducted in March and April 2004, showing sewer line breaks likely causing leaks into the Creek. These findings were first reported in a Friends of Sligo Creek bimonthly meeting on May 18, 2004 with presentions by Masaya Maeda and also Keith VanNess of the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection.

PDF files for the major parts of Mr. Maeda's Stream Corridor Assessment report:
March 30, 2004 April 7, 2004 April 22, 2004
April 23, 2004 April 30, 2004

Sligo Stream Corridor Improvements by M-NCPPC

The Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission carried out improvements on lower Sligo Creek from 2002-2004 to mitigate environmental damage as a result of the Wilson Bridge construction.