Rachel Carson Lived Here

Friends of Sligo Creek remembers and honors a woman who lived here where we live; who watched and enjoyed nature here, as we do; who supported a household, commuting to a federal job until she was financially able to devote herself full-time to writing.

She was a lyric (and best-selling) nature writer who also became the pioneering author of Silent Spring (1962) and thereby a legendary forerunner of the environmental movement.

Observe the May 27th anniversary of Rachel Carson's birth with this brief and cogent essay by David Haskell, "Rachel Carson's Legacy."

A photo-essay of the places that Rachel Carson lived during her 10 years in the Sligo Creek watershed and 15 years in the watershed of the Northwest Branch mainstem.

Carson Local Chronology - a table by year, local residence, books written, and other notes

A map of the Sligo and Northwest Branch watersheds, showing the six locations where Rachel Carson lived, 1937-1964

Photo-essay in display format, "Rachel Carson Lived Here" (Email the Natural History chair for loan of triptych 3'H x 6'W for tabletop space 5' x 2')

Takoma Park resident Bruce Sidwell wrote about Rachel Carson from a local and personal perspective.

Lear-Carson program, February 2014
Friends of Sligo Creek celebrated the completion of its 12th year with a special program in February 2014, inviting the Neighbors of the Northwest Branch to join in hearing biographer Linda Lear talk about Rachel Carson.