Report Problems in Sligo

Discharges into the creek or other environmental problems in the park

Water WatchDog It!

Immediately send an email to Your email will show up immediately on the smart phone of DEP pollution detective Steve Martin and his team. If they can find what is causing the pollution, they may be able to stop it and issue a fine. If you have time, add a photo. If the pollution occurs in any stream other than Sligo, send an email to

Log a Water Watchdog Action Report
Send the data to the webmaster for inclusion in the Water Watchdog Action Log.

Then call all of the following:

  If possible, file an on-line Environmental Complaint Form [] as soon as possible.

NOTE that, if it is on a weekend, ONLY the police will respond and investigate so you must call them.

Be ready to report, as much as possible, color, odor, any bubbles, muddiness,
and whether it's floating, on the bottom, or throughout.
Note the time, and if a camera is available, take a photo.

Report Water Leaks, Sewer Overflow and Missing Manhole Covers

WSSC 24-hour number is 301-206-4002 - WSSC Online Contact - E-mail
Keep track of your complaints - when, what said and to whom.
To view where they have work orders in place (and to see if what you called or emailed about has been added)

Park Maintenance Problems

Trash, Beavers, Fallen Branches, Other - 301-670-8080, OR
Please identify area of the park using the following park codes:
Park Name Area covered
P61 Sligo Creek Stream Valley Unit # 5 University Blvd. to Franwall Ave.
P60 Sligo Creek Stream Valley Unit # 4 Forest Glen Road to University
P59 Sligo Creek Stream Valley Unit # 3 Colesville Road to Forest Glen
P58 Sligo Creek Stream Valley Unit # 2 Piney Branch to Colesville
P57 Sligo Creek Stream Valley Unit # 1 P.G. County Line to Piney Branch
B12 Evans Parkway N. P. 2001 Evans Parkway

Sediment Complaint in Montgomery County

Department of Permitting Services (DPS) 240-777-6300
DPS Online Complaint Form

Environmental Complaint Form in Montgomery County

On-line Form

Graffiti Anywhere in Montgomery County

GRaffiti ABatement Partners, Inc. (GRAB) is a non-profit, private-public partnership that helps eliminate graffiti vandalism in Montgomery County through eradication, education and enforcement strategies.

If you see graffiti, notify GRAB for assistance and advice via the GRAB website or by calling 301-607-GRAB (4722)

Graffiti Anywhere in Prince Georges County

Police District I anti-graffiti team 301 699 2980

Assistance for Homeless Persons

Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless

Injured Wildlife

Montgomery County Animal Services/Shelter 240-773-5900
Second Chance Wildlife Center in Gaithersburg 301-926-9453