Report a Sighting on Sligo Creek

What did you see or hear?
(Animal, Plant, Fish, etc)

Where did the sighting occur?
Please be as specific as possible, e.g., 50 yards downstream from Wayne Ave
Or, At the intersection of Sligo Creek Pkwy & Brunett Ave

When was the sighting?
Please provide date and time. If specific time unknown, please indicate morning, afternoon, or evening.

Comments (feel free to provide a sentence or two about your sighting)
(If you have photos, please email them separately to

Your name (this will appear on the sightings page)

E-mail address (this will NOT appear on the sightings page, but is helpful if the webmaster or Natural History Committee have followup questions.)

Are you a human?
To help prevent spam-bots from abusing this form, answer this simple question:

Is the sun hot or cold?

An email will be sent containing this data. If you receive any error message email, please send that error message email to