Sligo Spring Cleanup 2006
Mike Smith led a postponed cleanup around Evans Parkway Park on a sunshine-filled Saturday, May 6th. Some volunteers, including the Muldoon family and Brian Patterson, focused on cleaning around the park, and others went down into the Bucknell Dr. tributary off Dennis. The steep banks make for poor access but the water has been full of trash that has come down the drainage system upstream and blighted by many large items dumped by residents. Plastic bags have coated the branches along the banks. More work remains to be done: a submerged shopping cart and a file cabinet, for example, remain, as do some of the plastic bags and accumulated debris that mar the view from the Evans Parkway Bridge. The Muldoons said they saw a blue heron from the bridge recently, which is all the more incentive to beautify the habitat. We will continue to focus on this area in future cleanups.

Mike's haul