Spring Migrant Bird Sightings

Sightings of migrating birds that spend winters to the south and either return
to breed in Sligo or pass through Sligo on their way to breeding areas further north.
Section Map
Click on the bird's name for more information.
Common Name
(* = Breeds in Sligo)
Date [section number]
2009 2008 2007
Black-crowned Night-Heron * 5/6 [6] 5/4 [2] 4/20 [2]
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron * 4/12 [3] 3/20 [2] 4/18 [2]
Yellow-Billed Cuckoo     4/30 [6]
Common Nighthawk   5/18 [6]  
Chimney Swift * 5/1 [8] 4/29 [6]  
Ruby-throated Hummingbird * 4/28 [6] 5/6 [6] 5/10 [6]
Northern Flicker * 3/31 [7] 4/10 [7]  
Eastern Wood-Pewee * 5/19 [6] 5/8 [6] 5/10 [2]
Acadian Flycatcher * 5/6 [6] 5/6 [6] 5/9 [6]
Eastern Phoebe * 3/10 [6] 3/15 [6]  
Great Crested Flycatcher * 4/28 [7] 5/1 [7] 5/1 [7]
Eastern Kingbird * 5/1 [7]    
White-Eyed Vireo *   5/6 [6]  
Yellow-throated Vireo 4/28 [7] 5/28 [7] 4/30 [6]
Blue-headed Vireo 4/24 [6] 4/11 [6]  
Warbling Vireo * 4/27 [6,7] 4/26 [6]  
Philadelphia Vireo   4/29 [6]  
Red-Eyed Vireo * 4/27 [6,7] 4/24 [7] 4/30 [6]
Barn Swallow * 4/16 [7] 4/14 [6]  
Brown Creeper   4/15 [6]  
House Wren * 4/23 [6] 4/24 [6] 4/30 [6]
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher * 4/16 [7] 4/12 [6,7] 4/30 [6]
Veery * 5/7 [6] 4/29 [6] 5/3 [6]
Gray-cheeked Thrush 5/1 [7] 5/20 [6] 5/5 [6]
Swainson's Thrush 4/28 [6] 5/8 [6] 5/7 [6]
Hermit Thrush 3/31 [7] 4/10 [7] 4/14 [3]
Wood Thrush * 4/27 [6,7] 4/24 [6] 4/30 [6]
Gray Catbird * 4/24 [6] 4/24 [6] 4/30 [6]
Brown Thrasher * 4/29 [6]    
Cedar Waxwing * 5/11 [6] 3/27 [3] 3/1 [5]
Blue-Winged Warbler 5/9 [6] 4/26 [6] 5/2 [7]
Tennessee Warbler 5/12 [6] 5/1 [6]  
Nashville Warbler   5/4 [6] 5/4 [6]
Northern Parula * 4/27 [6,7] 5/4 [6] 5/2 [7]
Yellow Warbler 5/8 [6] 4/26 [6] 4/30 [6]
Chestnut-sided Warbler 5/2 [6] 5/5 [6] 5/21 [9]
Magnolia Warbler 5/10 [6] 5/8 [6]  
Cape May Warbler 4/28 [6] 5/5 [6]  
Black-throated Blue Warbler 4/28 [6] 5/4 [6] 4/30 [6]
Yellow-rumped Warbler 4/16 [7] 4/14 [7] 4/30 [6]
Black-throated Green Warbler 4/27 [6,7] 4/26 [6] 4/30 [6]
Blackburnian Warbler   5/22 [7]  
Pine Warbler   4/10 [7]  
Palm Warbler   4/10 [7]] 5/2 [7]
Bay-breasted Warbler 5/11 [6]    
Blackpoll Warbler 5/9 [6] 5/5 [6] 5/4 [6]
Cerulean Warbler 4/29 [6]    
Black-and-White Warbler 4/27 [6] 4/24 [6] 4/30 [6]
American Redstart * 5/6 [6] 5/4 [6] 4/30[6]
Worm-Eating Warbler 5/12 [6]    
Ovenbird * 4/17 [7] 4/26 [7] 4/30 [6]
Northern Waterthrush 3/31 [7] 4/3 [7]] 5/2 [7]
Louisiana Waterthrush 5/1 [6] 5/9 [6]  
Kentucky Warbler *   5/15 [6]  
Mourning Warbler 5/12 [6]    
Common Yellowthroat * 5/1 [6] 5/1 [6] 4/30 [6]
Hooded Warbler   5/11 [6] 5/1 [6]
Wilson's Warbler 5/8 [6]    
Canada Warbler 5/9 [6] 5/21 [6] 5/10 [6]
Scarlet Tanager * 5/6 [6] 4/29[6] 5/1 [7]
Eastern Towhee * 3/31 [7] 4/10 [7] 7/1 [2]
Chipping Sparrow * 4/17 [7] 4/10 [7]]  
Field Sparrow *   4/14 [6]  
Fox Sparrow   4/10 [7] 4/15 [7]
Swamp Sparrow   4/11 [6]  
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 4/29 [6] 5/1 [6] 4/30 [6]
Indigo Bunting * 5/6 [7] 4/29 [6] 5/5 [6]
Red-winged Blackbird * 4/16 [7] 4/15 [6]  
Common Grackle * 3/31 [7] 3/15 [6]  
Brown-headed Cowbird * 4/16 [7] 4/24 [6]  
Purple Finch 5/8 [6]    
Baltimore Oriole * 4/27 [6,7] 4/26 [7] 4/30 [6]

The following people contributed sightings to this report:
Madere Olivar
Gail Mackiernan
Bruce Sidwell
Beth Baker
Alison Gillespie