Sligo Stewards Contact Information
for Reporting Local Problems

UPDATED: November 2003


DEP Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection
DEPC Montgomery County Department of Environmental Policy and Compliance
DHCD Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development
DNR Maryland Department of Natural Resources
DWPT Maryland Department of Public Works & Transportation
LDS Montgomery County DPS Land Development Services
MDE Maryland Department of the Environment
MES Maryland Environmental Service
MNCPPC Maryland-National Park & Planning Commission
SHA Maryland State Highway Administration
SWM Montgomery County DPS Stormwater Management
WMD Montgomery County Watershed Management Division
WS Montgomery County DPS Wells and Septic
WSSC Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

ILLEGAL DUMPING HOTLINE DEPC 240-777-7700 (daytime)
240-777-DUMP (nighttime)
Blocked storm drain, inlet or pipe or erosion from public storm drain DPWT 240-777-ROAD (Highway Maintenance)
Construction in streams MDE 410-631-8094
Discolored public drinking water, odor to drinking water WSSC 301-206-4002
Emergency response (e.g. discharges, spills) MDE 410-631-3937 (nights & weekends)
Erosion, flooding, drainge problems between private properties DHCD 240-777-3600 (Code Enforcement)
Erosion - stream banks on park land M-NCPPC 301-405-2535
Fire & Rescue Services   911 (emergencies)
240-777-0744 (non-emergencies)
Fish kills MDE 410-974-3238 or 800-285-8105
888-584-3110 (nights & weekends)
Fisheries - Central Regional Freshwater Fisheries Division DNR 410-442-2080
301-854-6060 (Mont. Co.)
Flooding and drainage problems on state roads SHA 310-513-7300 (Greenbelt)
301-948-2477 (Gaithersburg)
Illegal dumping on state park land DNR 301-924-2127 or 800-825-PARK
Leaking underground storage tanks MDE 410-631-3386
Oil and anti-freeze recycling locations MES 800-473-2925
Park Maintenance Problems - Trash, Beavers, Fallen Branches, Other M-NCPPC 301-670-8080
Recycling Programs / Special pickup services DPWT 240-777-6400 or 6466
Sanitary sewer problems WSSC 301-206-2002
Sediment from construction sites entering streams LDS 240-777-6366
Septic leaks / Septic tanks WS 240-777-6300
Stormwater management, pond safety and maintenance DEPC 240-777-7770
Stormwater management and sediment control plan review issues SWM 240-777-6320
Stream clean-ups WMD 240-777-7712
Swimming pool discharges DEPC 240-777-7770
Trash and debris in parks and streams MNCPPC 301-495-2535
Water main break WSSC 301-206-4002
Water pollution (discharging, dumping, chemical spills into streams or storm drains DEPC 240-777-7770
Water quality monitoring programs for schools (Stream Teams) WMD 240-777-6320
Water rights & appropriations MDE 410-631-3591
Wells and well inspections WS 240-777-6300