Sligo Stewards Contact Information
for Agencies

UPDATED: November 2003

Environmental Groups not Directly Affiliated with Government Agencies

Grants for environmental projects Chesapeake Bay Trust 410-974-2941
Information pertaining to environmental issues and education within the Chesapeake Bay watershed Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay 410-377-6270
Water quality monitoring programs for citizens Audubon Naturalist Society 301-652-9188
Water quality monitoring programs for citizens (Save Our Streams Program - Mont. Co.) Izaak Walton League of America 301-548-0150
Water quality monitoring programs for citizens Save Our Streams (Maryland) 410-969-0084

Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Marty Aument Park Manager for Sligo above Univ. Blvd.  
Jayne Hench Volunteer Office. Ask her for cotton gloves or plastic bags, and for any advice you want on volunteer matters. She has nothing to do with picking up trash, other than providing bags. 301-495-2504
Lynette Scaffidi Coordinator of Volunteer Events; shares a half-time position with Paul Carlson in Carole Bergmann's office.
Carole Bergmann Started the Weed Warriors and usually teaches the 2-hour training program. Please e-mail Sally Gagne. (Invasives Committee Chair) before contacting Jody directly, as she is in touch with Carole often and may be able to answer your question or problem without taking Carole's time.    
Tina Schneider Tina is a member of our group, and has been our technical advisor on erosion problems. She recently moved within P&P to "Wetlands." She'll be able to do less for us, and we're working out how this change will affect Friends. Please call her only about stormwater and erosion problems.    
Lenny Archambeau Hes the PG County side of park management and would be the person to contact for trash pickup, bags, gloves, etc. Steve Low is a coworker and also a contact if Lenny is not available   301-918-4714
Mary Beth Dugan PG County wide volunteer coordinator   301-918-4702
Updated October 2007