Stormwater Committee Minutes
February 4, 2004


Robert Goo, Anne Kitchell, Ann Hoffnar, Ed Murtagh


The major focus of the meeting was a report from Ann Kitchell about progress and plans for the technical survey of Sligo by the Center for Watershed Protection (CWP).

We briefly discussed the need to get more involved in the Prince Georges County section of Sligo Creek. Anne Kitchell suggests we get in touch with the Low Impact Development Center, a non-profit NGO working in Prince George County. They can help us make contacts. Robert agreed wholeheartedly and gave us the name and telephone number of a contact person: Neil Weinstein 301 982 5559.

Anne also reported that Andrew Frank of Park and Planning says the Commission is very interested in putting a retention pond at a site at the Takoma Park Middle School. If records from past surveys cannot be found, Frank says they are willing to re-survey to get information necessary to develop plans for the pond.


Notes prepared by Ed Murtagh and Ann Hoffnar.