Stormwater Committee Minutes
May 19, 2004


Kathy Michels, Anne Kitchell, Ann Hoffnar, Ed Murtagh


Sligo Creek Retrofit Inventory: The major focus of the meeting was an update from Anne Kitchell on the Sligo Creek Retrofit Inventory conducted by the Center for Watershed Protection (CWP). Anne's discussion outline is attached, along with a list of potential retrofit locations. ID codes on the list are: P is existing practice (retrofit) O is outfall; OS is on site. Click here for the discussion outline.

Anne told us that,

Dedication of American Elm Park: We discussed the dedication of American Elm Park and agreed that August would be a good time - the press is begging for stories then and we are not too busy at that time. We would want to invite CBT, DEP, Civic Associations, Friends of Sligo Creek membership, Issac Walton League, County Council, the press... Ann Hoffnar will talk to the Board about time and to the Outreach Committee for help with publicity.

Reviewing Development Plans: Keith VanNess suggests Friends of Sligo Creek write a letter to the County asking that we be on the list of agencies reviewing development plans for stormwater. Ed brought a set of plans for the Good Counsel site to the meeting. We are too late on this one. The stormwater plan comes early in the planning process. We tabled the decision to ask to review plans.

Grants: Anne Kitchell encouraged us to apply for grants. She suggested we resubmit the CBT grant request we sent last year. Ann Hoffnar promised to send Kathy Kerry Bentkowski's address. There are several other granting organizations we could appeal to as well: Spring Creek Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. Many granting agencies are looking for just such groups as ours for implementation grants.

Draft minutes prepared by Ann Hoffnar.