Stormwater Committee Minutes
April 6, 2005


Ann Hoffnar
Ed Murtagh
Jane Barrett
Kathy Michels
Alison Gillespie
Michael Wilpers (guest)

Reining in the Storm

We began the meeting by watching the film "Reining in the Storm" which we had not been able to see at the theatre, due to questionable advertising. Ed bought the DVD and hopes to be reimbursed by Friends of Sligo Creek. We agreed that this film will be useful in some of our outreach work.

Outreach: the Focus of the Evening

Uses for Reining in the Storm: It can be shown to Citizen's Associations, followed by discussions of our work in Sligo and suggestions about what citizens can do on their property. In addition, Ed can create a powerpoint presentation, using materials he already has on the web site. Either or both can be used, depending on the audience.

We discussed the possibility of giving presentations to Landscapers, the Chamber of Commerce, the Holy Cross and Adventist Hospital boards, churches, synagogues.

We also want to consider briefing the County Council.

Eastern Middle School: Between last meeting and this, Ed applied for and we got a grant for $2,000 from CBT for the Eastern Middle School project! We briefly discussed plans for the two work events, the 9th and the 16th of April.

Since a major part of this project is outreach, we discussed handouts. Alison has prepared one on fertilizing and we hope many more will follow. We will look at handouts that are available so that we don't have to reinvent them. We also discussed the need for a display board. Ann explained that Friends has a display board which is available for use. We just need to develop the materials to display.

Connecting with Teachers: We did a brainstorm on the subject and came to feel that the most effective thing we can do is ask teachers what they need to meet their curriculum goals. Alison will look at the County Curriculum so we can adapt our projects to what teachers need.

Awards and Certificates: Ed told us that the State of Maryland has an Earth Day Certificate which they award. Ed will apply for one. We also agreed that we should get the National Wildlife Federation certification. Alison will look into this after the 16th.

Notes prepared by Ann Hoffnar and Ed Murtagh