Stormwater Committee Minutes
October 6, 2005


Ann Hoffnar
Ed Murtagh
Kathy Michels
Alison Gillespie
Jane Osburn
Jenny Reed
Lauren Wheeler (guest; Jenny's partner on this project)
Daryl Braithwaite (guest; Acting Director of Public Works, Takoma Park)

Raingarden in Takoma Park

Jenny presented her Landscape Plan for Forest Park to the committee. She explained that it was conceptual and imprecise because we still want to get comments from the City of Takoma Park and from people in the park's neighborhood. We agreed that we would like to do the park in two stages; one this fall and the other next spring.

Advocacy Issues

Other Items of Interest

There is a potential natural resources conservation project at the Sligo Creek stormwater ponds above University Blvd. Ed has been in contact with MC-DEP, MNCPPC, Northwood High School's Environmental Sciences Academy, and AWS about this potential project. The joint DEP and MNCPPC project at the ponds originally was only to dredge the University Blvd Stormwater Facility. AWS has approached FoSC and Northwood High School about using this project to include a planting area of native wetland plants. The details are still being worked out, but in brief the project includes the following: First, MNCPPC will create a shallow 10 foot wide shelf along two sides of the pond closest to the hiker/biker trial during the dredging phase of the project. This coming spring students (perhaps with FoSC volunteers) will plant a pilot plot. The pilot area (about 20% of the available planting site) will test various wetland plants. The pilot project will also test a proposed anti-goose barrier. Students or FoSC volunteers will observe how well the pilot plantings work. The plantings will be expanded once the pilot project phase is over. Jill Coutts from Northwood High School was asked to prepare a grant to fund the natural resources conservation phase of the project.

Notes prepared by Ann Hoffnar and Ed Murtagh