Stormwater Committee Minutes
April 5, 2006


Ann Hoffnar
Ed Murtagh
Kathy Michels (by phone)
Robert Goo
Jenny Reed

Riparian Reforestation

April 29, FoSC, COG and P&P are doing a tree planting in Sligo. We put an announcement on our web calendar and have sent the announcement to listservs. If there are further announcements, we could suggest people do both the amphibian walk (also scheduled nearby later that day) and the tree planting and connect the two: help the amphibians; plant a tree! We could use an information table, if outreach can provide. But April is a very busy month.

Raingarden in Forest Park, Takoma Park

Our CBT grant was awarded, so we spent some time working on logistics for implementation. Jenny will order the plants which can be planted now and wait for fall for others because summer heat is upon us. Jenny will also schedule work digging around tree roots in the garden area and installing the drain (whatever it is called). Ann will send a note to Larry Rubin (president of the neighborhood association involved, SOSCA) telling them we are ready to work again in Forest Park and need help May 13th. Ann will also tell Larry that he can send a check now for the $200 they promised us. We will plant the new raingarden and weed and water the first. If necessary, we will also work on the 14th. Robert and Ann will do flyers for posting. We probably need about 12 people.

Landis Construction will do much of the preparation on the new raingarden, drain, and possibly hole-digging for the new raingarden sign, gratis. It is probably $1,000 worth of work. We are very pleased to have them on board. Jenny plans to try to schedule the work for May 11th. Marty Ittner will take pictures.

In addition to the people from SOSCA, we hope that a mother¿s group Jenny met will assist with weeding and watering this summer. The mothers frequently get together at the park to visit and watch their children at play.

Eastern Middle School Raingarden

This CBT grant was also awarded, so we discussed logistics for this installation as well. Jenny and Kathy will get together with the Eastern Landscaping Committee to work out a schedule. They will be looking for a rototiller to borrow, because this garden is very large. A possible work date is May 7. In this garden, too, some planting will have to be done in the fall.

Takoma Park Could be a Certified Wildlife Habitat

Jenny and Alison are following the developments. A follow up meeting is scheduled for April 27th. If area involved includes areas outside of Takoma Park (the entire watershed), our Committee will be involved. Our May meeting on creating habitat will complement this effort.

More Raingardens in Takoma Park??

enny and Lauren Wheeler are working with Ali Khalilian, Takoma Park City Engineer. He has several sites, including Spring Park, on which he hopes to build raingardens. This is in addition to work the city is doing with Friends of Sligo Creek. Go Ali! Robert suggests a demonstration raingarden at the library. It doesn¿t have to be large and could be just to catch rain from the gutters. The point is that this is a very visible site.

May Program Meeting

Alison told Ed in an email that she is moving along nicely with the program.

Updates on the Advocacy Front

The Stormwater Partners Coalition is now trying to get citizens and organizations to write to County Councilmen, Administration and folks running for office about the suggested improvements to the Montgomery County NPDES permit. (This is the document spearheaded by Diane Cameron) Ed and Kathy are drafting a letter for Friends of Sligo to sign. Ed noted that the DEP budget for Education and Outreach is being cut and recommend we point out that education and outreach is part of any permit and should not be cut.

Robert reported on the Coalition¿s meeting with Nancy Floreen.

Notes prepared by Ann Hoffnar and Ed Murtagh