Stormwater Committee Minutes
September 9, 2006


Ann Hoffnar
Ed Murtagh
Alessandra Sagasti
Beth Chaisson
Kathy Michels
Jenny Reed

New Member

Welcome, Alessandra.

Discussion of Meetings and Events

August 24 the Stormwater Partners Coalition had a potluck dinner. Five or six Friends attended, along with other organizations. Besides the fun and food, attendees discussed the MDE draft NPDES permit proposal, which is scheduled to be published in September. TMDL and stream restoration rates are issues of contention. The Coalition will have an opportunity to comment in October. Jeremy and Ed will help review the draft. In addition to the permit itself, the group discussed the possibility of continuing the networking group that formed around this permitting issue when this coalition phases out (see next bullet), the Northwood High School Sustainable Landscaping Partnership, and updates on efforts to improve the Forest Conservation Laws.

One potential focus for the proposed inter-watershed network is planning an Inter-watershed Conference, which would include LID techniques and adopting a "Citizen's Watershed Strategy." As one of the largest watershed groups, Friends is seen as a potential main project partner.

On August 30 EPA OIG met with the County representatives to discuss their audit of the Chesapeake Bay Program. Friends of Sligo Creek was asked to present a local watershed group perspective on the Chesapeake Bay Program. Ed met with the audit team for an hour and that the meeting went well. The EPA Audit Team was very interested in Friends. Dan Harper of DEP gave them a tour of the Sligo restoration sites. Meo Curtis of DEP will be preparing the written response to the OIG.

On September 15, the Montgomery County Inter-Agency Clean Water Task Force will meet. Members include DEP, MCPS, DPWP, WSSC, DPS, and M-NCPPC. The Stormwater Partners Coalition had lobbied for more interagency coordination, County Executive Duncan authorized the Task Force. We have many issues that we would like raised. Unfortunately, the coalition will have only 15 minutes at this meeting to present our position. One of the issues we will raise is that the County regulations do not cover LID properly and badly need to be updated. Jenny updated us on her frustrations with the current codes and regulation in her Tokoma Park project (using LID practices to address runoff from a short road.) Beth noted how the city of Bowie was updating their codes and regulations so that they were more LID-Friendly.

Upcoming outreach activities were briefly discussed. On September 9, the Stormwater Committee will staff a table at Brookside Garden's plant sale. Beth suggested and will help set up the information table. October 8th, we will staff a table at the Friends of Sligo Creek Sweep Celebration in the park. We will have the opportunity to talk about raingardens/rain barrels and other LID practices. Ed will bring one of his rain barrels and the Dennis Ave. Rec. Center has the new bio-retention systems.

Ed updated us on the Rainscapes Coordinator position which DEP has advertised under the Clean Water Initiative approved by the County Council this Spring. The announcement closed August 24. DEP plans to meet with watershed groups to discuss the implementation of the initiative and LID grants.

Outreach and Advocacy

Notes prepared by Ann Hoffnar and Ed Murtagh