Trail Guide Map 6
Wayne Ave to Piney Branch Rd

This portion of the hiker/biker trail is 0.5 miles long. Below Wayne, the bike path continues close to the Parkway for about another quarter of a mile. Just past a small parking area it travels over a footbridge. At this time (Ocotber 2016) between the parking area and the creek there is a shallow 80 foot pond that drains into the creek at it’s lower end. Right now it looks pretty raw, but eventually it is expected to be transformed into a sizable rain garden that may also function as a vernal pool. Visible across the parkway tree enthusiasts should note the fine specimen of a Yellowwood (Symplocos tinctoria). Due to its size it is the current County Champion. However Yellowwoods are rarely found away from the Eastern Shore.

Back at Wayne Avenue, walkers may wish to try out the unpaved path that follows the right side of the creek. The walk through the woods has more atmosphere but may be soggy. This path reconnects with the bike path on the right side of the creek below the footbridge mentioned in the previous paragraph. Near where the two paths reconnect, there is a sizable White Ash (Fraxinus americana) by the creek. Unfortunately, like other ash trees in the County, it’s days may be numbered, because of the serious threat posed by the Emerald Ash Borer, which is decimating ash trees throughout the U.S.

Printable Map 6

Walkers are encouraged to work their way down to the creek at this point to take in the enchanting view as it passes by the playground found here. Along the whole length of the creek from March through October, attentive birders may be graced with the sight of Yellow- or Black-crowned Night herons in the trees or checking the creek for fish, but this spot is known as a hot spot.

After the playground the path re-crosses the creek and goes by a popular tennis court (with lights). Walking around behind the court, one can take a gander at a steep bend of the creek. A dramatically large outfall drains a big area of mixed residential and commercial establishments into the creek here. That makes it a useful spot to monitor for bacteria and other contaminants. Check out Water Quality on the website to learn more about the condition of creek water. Friends of Sligo Creek has a Water Quality Committee that actively monitors water quality and promotes action to improve the current not very good situation.