Riparian Reforestation Fails
in Forest Glen

Ed Murtagh
May 29, 2007
Original Posting
November 2003
Forest Glen Update
November 24, 2004
Forest Glen Update
November 2005
Headwaters Update
March 2006
Tree Planting Event
with COG
Reforestation Update
March 2007
Tree Inventory Sheet

The Sligo Steward in Section 7 reported in the fall that many of the trees and shrubs at the Forest Glen Reforestation site looked dead. I made a quick inspection this spring, and I found approximately 80% of the trees and shrubs were dead. According to a Parks employee, an area nearby that had a problem with invasive plants and was treated with herbicide in 2006. The wind may have blown the herbicide into the reforestation site.

The entire site should be replanted.