
Current Montgomery Stormwater Permits

Recommendations for Implementing TMDLs in the Stormwater Permit - MS Word File - posted 2/28

Recommendations for watershed restoration - MS Word File - posted 2/28

Recommendations for Trash Controls in the Montgomery County Stormwater Permit - PDF File - posted 10/4

The Stormwater Partners Coalition Proposal for a stronger stormwater permit for Montgomery County - PDF File - posted 10/4

2001-2006 Montgomery County's Maryland Department of the Environment National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Discharge Permit - MS Word File

NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit Annual Report August 2005.
The report includes the County's proposal for the next stormwater permit cycle (2006 - 2011) under section Part IV. - PDF File

Stormwater Articles

The July/August 2006 Bay Journal article on the Montgomery County Stormwater Permit and the efforts on the part of the Stormwater Partners Coalition to improve the permit to address the declining quality of streams in the County. - PDF file

Trees: The Oldest New Thing in Stormwater Treatment?

'Moving Upstream: Changing views of urban stormwater management' from 1994 EcoCity Cleveland -PDF File