American Elm Park
August 7, 2004

The American Elm Park is a joint effort of Friends of Sligo Creek, neighborhood organizations, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection and the Isaac Walton League. See the Action Log entry for the American Elm Park for more information.

Ann Hoffnar (FoSC co-president) helped organize the American Elm Park dedication and was Master of Ceremony at the park dedication.

Cameron Wiegand, Montgomery County Dept. of Environmental Protection - Chief of the Watershed Management Division,
spoke about the county's involvement with Sligo Creek.

Jeff Deschamps from the Izaak Walton League Wildlife Achievement Chapter spoke about their efforts to restore the American elm tree in Montgomery County.
The American Elm Park is one of four test sites.

County Councilmember-at-large Nancy Floreen spoke about the importance of volunteer efforts in our parks.
She also thanked and encouraged us all to keep up the good work.

Ed Murtagh and Kathy Michels receive the IWL "Roll Call" award from Jeff Deschamps.

Ed Murtagh and Kathy Michels receiving from Cameron a Proclamation signed by the County Executive Doug Duncan
thanking Ed Murtagh and Kathy Michels on their efforts at the American Elm Park.

Laura Miller and her son Sam in front of one of the Valley Forge Elm trees.
Laura Miller, the county arborist, was helpful in creating the park.

Sam Miller playing in the rain garden.