Photos/Art by:
James Anderson
Deilia Beard
Anne Benenson
Wendy Brown
Steven Fine
Sally Gagne
Peter Gianokos
Richard Hall
Josh Holland
Marty Ittner
Julius Kassovic
Mike Mullins
Donald Olson
Ellen X. Silverberg
Claudine Stone
Susan Solarz
Bert Wickel
Kudzu, Ivy
and other
FoSC Photo Gallery

Sweep the Creek

Sweep Celebration

Photo Contest

Beauty of
Sligo Creek

Sligo After

Sligo during
Snowzilla 2016


A Walk in
Takoma Branch

A Walk to
Sligo Confluence

Insect Sketches
by Dr. Cecilia Chen

Annual Picnic
Oct 2010

Heavy Rainfall
Aug 2014

Rain Storm
Aug 2010

Sligo in the Snow
Feb 2010

Stinkhorn Fungus
Sep 2011

Raging Sligo
Sept 2010

Caterpillar Hunt
May 2008

A Look at Crosby Woods
January 2008

Caterpillar Hunt
May 2009

Sligo's Amazing Geology
March 2008

Stream Critters
April 2008

Building Deer Exclosures

Terrific Trees in Sligo
Oct 2007

Cycles of Nature
in Fall
Oct 2006

Pollinators in late June
June 2007

Springtime at the Ponds
Apr 2007

Recycling Center Tour - Mar 2006

Trash and Other Troubles

Vernal Pool Walk
March 2006

Butterfly Walk
May 2006

Fish Outing
April 2006

Sligo Storm Damage
June 2006

Salamander Search
April 2006

East Wayne Stormwater LID Workday
Sept 2005

Section 2 Cleanup
Apr 2005

Hillwood Manor Sweep
Feb 2005

American Elm Park - Aug 2004

Becca Lilly Park after the July 2004 Flood

Hiking Sligo with
John Parrish
Feb 2004

Building a Rain Garden
Oct 2003

Vine Cutting
July 2003

Sligo Hike
April 2003

Sligo in Flood
Feb 2003

Winter Hike in
Lower Sligo
Jan 2003

Tree Planting at Maple Avenue
April 2001

Takoma Park
FoSC Poster 2002

Forest Glen Vine Cutting
November 2001

Events in 2000

Tree Planting
November 2002

Photos by
Don Olson

at Work