Raging Sligo Creek - September 30, 2010

Starting early on the morning of September 30, 2010, rain fell into the Sligo watershed at a rapid rate. The flow rate rose from 1.4 cubic feet per second at 10:30pm of the previous day to 1,300 cubic feet per second at 10:30am on September 30 as measured by the USGS gage at the old waterworks dam just upstream from Maple Avenue. Private rain gages in Takoma Park measured more than 5 inches of rain during the storm.

Place your mouse over the photo to see the normal view.

The Sligo Waterworks dam, just upstream from Maple Ave viewed from the bridge just downstream

A closeup of the dam taken from the left bank, just to the right of the above photo.
Note the green plastic bottom trapped in the turmoil at the bottom of the fall.

The mouth of Comstock Branch which runs down from Piney Branch Rd between Mississippi Ave and Parkside Rd and empties into Sligo just upstream from the dam.