Action Log
American Elm Park Update
August 2004

Initial Posting
November 3, 2003
October 2005

November 2007
American Elm Tree Monitoring Results

The native plant garden, the American elm trees, and the raingarden at the American Elm Park have been thriving in 2004! On May 29th we held a spring-cleaning workday (mulching, weeding and planting) at the park. We had a good turn out and everyone had a good time. Neighbors have shown a great deal of interest in park.

May 29, 2004 workday

The plants in the rain garden have started filling out, turning the upper portion of the park (where the rain garden is located) into an oasis of native plants

Before the rain garden

The rain garden after one year

A new feature at the park has been the bamboo fence. In June Clair Garman was a great help in installing it. Like a picture, this bamboo "frame" really completes the garden. We have noticed that by leaving large gaps in the bamboo fence, the garden now has a more inviting look. More of the neighbors have been coming into the park to admire the garden.

Clair puts up the fence, while Joshua Murtagh looks on.

Park Dedication

On August 7, we held our formal park dedication. The uncharacteristically cool dry August day was perfect for the dedication. Cameron Wiegand and Meo Curtis from the Montgomery County Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP), County Council member Nancy Flooren, and Jeff Deschamps from the Izaak Walter League Wildlife Achievement Chapter all spoke at the dedication.

Over sixty people attended the dedication. Cameron Wiegand, Montgomery County Dept. of Environmental Protection - Chief of Watershed Management Division, spoke about the county's efforts in Sligo Creek.

Link to the Photo Gallery of the American Elm Park Dedication.

Cameron spoke to the large crowd.

Jeff Deschamps from the Izaak Walton League spoke about their efforts to restore the American elm tree in Montgomery County.
The American Elm Park is one of four test sites for the Valley Forge Elm trees.

During the dedication Meo Curtis (Senior Planning Specialist at MC-DEP) unveiled the new rain garden informational sign that will be posted at the site.
Link to the PDF file showing the informational sign.