Biological Monitoring

The types and abundance of aquatic life in a stream is a good indicator of water quality. Because of this, the Water Quality Committee carries out and encourages surveys of Sligo Creek to try to learn what lives there and if it is becoming better or worse over time.

Macroinvertebrate Monitoring

One common type of biological stream survey is of the benthic (bottom dwelling) macroinvertebrate (visible, lacking backbone) aquatic insects in the streams. Certain aquatic insects are more sensitive to changes in water quality and pollution than others. Therefore, the numbers of insects, the variety of insects, and the relative percentage of water quality and pollution sensitive insects found can be used as one way of learning about the water quality of a stream.

Friends of Sligo Creek Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Sites This map shows the sites where Friends of Sligo Creek has done macroinvertebrate monitoring.
Maryland DNR Stream
Waders Program
A state program where volunteers collect samples for Maryland streams which are delivered to Department of Natural Resources laboratories for macroinvertebrate identification.
Audubon Naturalist Society Monitoring A major volunteer macroinvertebrate monitoring program in Montgomery County and the Washington, D.C. area. Friends of Sligo Creek started monitoring Audubon Naturalist Society Site 34 (Sligo Creek) in July 2006.
Izaak Walton League Save Our Streams The original volunteer macroinvertebrate monitoring program in the United States. We are working to establish a Save Our Streams site on Sligo Creek in 2007.

Fish Monitoring

Fish and/or Macroinvertebrate Surveys of Sligo Creek This page shows all the known fish surveys of Sligo Creek that have been done by government agencies. Also includes macroinvertebrate surveys by those agencies.

Bacteria Monitoring

Bacteria Levels in Sligo Creek Sewer line leaks and animals such as geese and dogs may cause elevated fecal bacteria levels in the stream. This page aims to collect and publicize all known studies of bacteria levels in Sligo Creek.